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Session Offerings

You'll gain access to healing and transformative experiences through bodywork, intimacy coaching and other methods. Each experience is customized to address your unique personal challenges or opportunities to learn and becoming your full authentic self.  I am here to help you take the next steps on your journey to wholeness and personal empowerment.


Below are the 3 primary options in working together. 


If  neither of the three options are appropriate for you and you feel drawn to this type of work then contact me to discuss additional options. 

©2024 Austino EROS

palm springs gay massage, palm springs gay erotic massage, palm spring tantric massage, Anal, Anal massage, Austino, Bate, Bating, Bay Area, Bliss, Body Awareness, BodyElectric, Bodywork, Bonding, Bottom, Breath work, Chicago, Coach, Coaching, Confidence, Concern, Connection, Connect, Curious, Self Confidence, Daddy, Desire, ED, Ecstatic, Ecstatic sexuality, Ejaculation, Empowered Living, Energized Passions, Energy, Erectile dysfunction, Erection difficulty, Eros Erotic, Erotic Spirituality, EroticMassage, Escort, Fantasy, Fetish, Gay, Gay Anal Massage, Gay Coach, Gay Spirituality, Gay Escort, Gay Healer, Gay Massage, Gay Mentor, Gay Palm Springs, Gay Tantra, Gay Yoga, Guilt, Emotion, Emotional, Empower, Empowered, Empowerment, Power, Growth, Hairy, Hot, Healer, Healing, Heart, Heart-Centered, Wholeness, Holistic, Hung, Issues, Inhibited, Inhibition, Intimacy, Intimate, Jacking, Leaning, Learn, Lingam, Love, Loving, Fulfillment, Lifestyle Redesign, Los Angeles, Male, Man, Masculine, Massage, Masseur, Masturbation, Masturbation Coaching, Meditation,Mentor, Mentoring, Nipple, One, Oneness, Orgasmic, Orgasmic Shaman, Orgasmic Shamanism, Palm Springs, Perineum, Prostate, Pleasure, Professional, Personal, Creativity, Rent Masseur, Rent Man, RentMen, Role Play, Ritual, Relaxation, Relaxed, Safe, Safety, Sacred, Sacred Intimate, Sacred Sexuality, San Diego, San Francisco, Satisfaction, Self-Care, Self-pleasuring, Self pleasure, Sensual, Sensuality, Sex, Sexy, Sexual, Sexual Liberation, Sexual Performance Concerns, Sexuality, Shaman, Shame, Somatic Sexuality, Spiritual, Tantra, Tantric, Tantric Development, Tantric Spirituality, Transformation, Transformative, Trauma, Therapy, Therapeutic, Top, Undressing, Uninhibited, Shy, Yoga

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